Thursday, May 17, 2007

Back from the Beach!

And what a great time we had! From the Lake Wales Family Restaurant to watching Brian's Escort Service in the Wendy's parking lot, we had a thousand laughs.

Once again, I fell in love with the Atlantic Ocean. People in somewhere like Kansas probably wouldn't get the distinction between the two coasts of Florida, but they are vastly different. For one thing the Gulf is much more placid. The ocean is angrier, more powerful. I will never tire of standing on the beach and watching the surf as the waves come in to cover my feet.

I doubt that this phenomenon is unique to writers. As I stand there, I can imagine pirate ships sailing across the rough and tumble waters to reach their treasure. I think of explorers and what that coast must have looked like when they sailed into it five hundred years ago. I imagine cruise ships, sailboats, deep sea fishermen. The stories seem as endless as the waves that pound against the sand relentlessly.

The weather kicked up a bit while we were there. We stood on our balcony watching the palm trees bend against the uncommonly strong winds. The surf rolled and crested, luring the locals out with surfboards. You definitely won't see that on the left coast!

But the best part of the entire trip was being with my mom and my sister for three days. No husbands, no children, no pets. Just the three of us, laughing and talking. We don't get enough time for that in our hectic lives these days. I'm really glad we did it.

Okay, so Brian's Escort Service - it's a business that follows large vehicles on the highway with the WIDE LOAD signs and flashing lights. But can you just imagine the person who engages their services thinking it's the other kind of escort? That would be a fun conversation to follow.

Back to work now. Have a great day!

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